Ujima Substitution Variables

Substitution Variables can be placed within pages in the same manner as regular text. When the content retriever finds a substitution variable while building the output for a page, the substitution variable is replaced by the value it represents. The value can be as simple as the current date or as complicated as the definition to place the contents of the events calendar within a page.

Substitution variables are often used where you might use a Java-Script or code snippet within other content management and blogging systems. Check out a suggested procedure to add the current date to a page of one of the most popular cms/blogging systems:

<?php echo date('l jS F Y'); ?> The date format can be easily formatted. More info on the date() php function here...

Now let's try {TIME_STAMP} which returns 2024/07/04 19:18:15 {MM/DD/YYYY} returns 07/04/2024

Mix in a little text: "Hello, the current day, date and time is {DDDD}, {MMMM} {d}, {YYYY} {TIME_OF_DAY}"

and the result is: "Hello, the current day, date and time is Thursday, July 4, 2024 07:18 PM"

The following is an extensive, but non-exhaustive list of Ujima substitution variables:

{LINK_ABOUT_US}Link to the About Us PageAbout Us
{LINK_ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS}Link to the Acknowledgements PageAcknowledgements
{LINK_CALENDAR_EVENTS}Link to the Calendar Events PageCalendar Events
{LINK_CATERING_SERVICES}Link to the Catering Services PageCatering Services
{LINK_CONTACT_US}Link to the Contact Us PageContact Us
{LINK_CREDITS}Link to the Credits PageCredits
{LINK_DEDICATION}Link to the Dedication PageDedication
{LINK_DOWNLOAD}Link to the Download PageDownload
{LINK_EZINE}Link to the E-Zine PageE-zine
{LINK_FAQS}Link to the FAQS PageFAQS
{LINK_FEATURES}Link to the Features PageFeatures
{LINK_FUNDRAISING}Link to the Fundraising PageFundraising
{LINK_HEALTHY_EATING}Link to the Healthy Eating PageHealthy Eating
{LINK_HELP}Link to the Help PageHelp
{LINK_HOME}Link to the Home PageHome
{LINK_HOW_TO}Link to the How To PageHow To
{LINK_INFO}Link to the Info PageInformation
{LINK_JOBS}Link to the Jobs PageJobs
{LINK_KEYWORDS_LIST}Link to the Keywords List PageKeywords
{LINK_LICENSE_AGREEMENT}Link to the License Agreement PageLicense Agreement
{LINK_LINKS}Link to the Links PageLinks
{LINK_LOCAL_AND_COMMUNITY}Link to the Local and Community PageLocal and Community
{LINK_MAPS_AND_DIRECTIONS}Link to the Maps and Directions PageDirections
{LINK_MEMBER}Link to the Member Page
{LINK_MEMBERSHIP}Link to the Membership PageMembership
{LINK_MEMBER_DIRECTORY}Link to the Member Directory PageMember Directory
{LINK_MENU}Link to the Menu PageMenu
{LINK_MESSAGING}Link to the Messaging PageMessaging
{LINK_ONLINE_ORDERING}Link to the Online Ordering PageOnline Ordering
{LINK_NEWS}Link to the News PageNews
{LINK_NEWSLETTER}Link to the Newsletter PageNewsletter
{LINK_NUTRITIONAL_DATA}Link to the Nutritional Data PageNutritional Data
{LINK_PASSWORD_RECOVERY}Link to the Password Recovery PagePassword Recovery
{LINK_POLICIES}Link to the Site Policies PagePolicies
{LINK_PRIVACY_POLICY}Link to the Privacy Policy PagePrivacy Policy
{LINK_PROMOTIONS}Link to the Promotions PagePromotions
{LINK_RECOMMEND_SITE}Link to the Recommend Site PageRecommend Us
{LINK_REGISTER}Link to the User Registration PageRegister
{LINK_SCRATCH_PAD}Link to the Scratch Pad PageScratch Pad
{LINK_SCREEN_PRINTS}Link to the Screen Prints PageScreen Prints
{LINK_SEARCH}Link to the Search PageSearch
{LINK_SERVICES}Link to the Services PageServices
{LINK_SHOPPING_CART}Link to the Shopping Cart PageShopping Cart
{LINK_SIGN_IN}Link to the Sign In PageSign In
{LINK_SIGN_OUT}Link to the Sign Out Page
{LINK_SITE_MAP}Link to the Site Map PageSite Map
{LINK_SPECIALS}Link to the Specials PageSpecials
{LINK_STAFF}Link to the Staff PageStaff
{LINK_TERMS_OF_SERVICE}Link to the Terms of Service PageTerms of Service
{LINK_TESTIMONIALS}Link to the Testimonials PageTestimonials
{LINK_USER_GUIDE}Link to the User Guide PageUser Guide

Site Information
{SITE_DOMAIN}The site domain nametherootsofmysoul.com
{SITE_TITLE}The site titleThe Roots of My Soul Memorials
{FAVORITES_TEXT}Add to Favorites TextBookmark Us
{FAVORITES_NAME}Add to Favorites NameThe Roots of My Soul Memorials
{FAVORITES_STATUS}Add to Favorites Text Status Bar Text

Color Definitions

Page Construction
{PAGE_WIDTH}Page Width900
{LEFT_WIDTH}Left Column Width0
{CENTER_WIDTH}Center Column Width900
{RIGHT_WIDTH}Right Column Width0
{BAR1_TEXT}Bar1 Text
{BAR2_TEXT}Bar2 Text
{BAR3_TEXT}Bar3 Text
{LEFT_BGCOLOR}Left Column Background Color#800080
{CENTER_BGCOLOR}Center Column Background Color#ffffff
{RIGHT_BGCOLOR}Right Column Background Color#800080
{STYLE}Inline CSS data to be inserted into the HTML Header section.inline {width: 30px;}
{FONT_FAMILY}Font FamilyGeorgia, Verdana
{FONT_SIZE}Font Size12px
{BODY_BG_IMAGE}Body Background Imagehttps://www.therootsofmysoul.com/prod/ujima/My_Documents/My_Backgrounds/ujima/lukasz-lada-275650-unsplash.jpg
{VERTICAL_COLUMNS}How many vertical columns are active for this page1
{PAGE_TITLE}The title of this pageThe Roots of My Soul Memorials - Substitution Variables
{META_AUTHOR}Meta Author
{META_DESCRIPTION}Meta Description
{META_KEYWORDS}Meta Keywords
{META_ROBOTS_OPTIONS}Meta Robots Optionsarchive, follow, imageindex, index
{RETRIEVE_CRITERIA}The retrieval criteria for this pageAND (Every Lanquage OR English)
AND (Every Month OR Jul ) AND (Every Day OR Day4)
AND (Every Thursday OR the first Thursday )
AND (AllHours OR Hour19), AND (All Minutes OR Minute18)
AND (Guests OR AllUsers), AND (All Screen Widths OR Screen Width 1024)
AND External Users, AND Data Item Is Active
{TEMPLATE_SELECT_LIST}Template Selection List
{LANGUAGE_SELECT_LIST}Language Selection List
{GOOGLE_TRANSLATE} Displays the Google Translate Selector

Date and Time Related
{AM_PM}am or pmpm
{MORNING_AFTERNOON_EVENING}morning, afternoon or eveningevening
{DAY_OF_YEAR}Day number of current year186
{DAYS_REMAINING}Days remaining in current year180
{YYYY/MM/DD}The current date as YYYY/MM/DD2024/07/04
{MM/DDY/YYY}The current date as MM/DD/YYYY07/04/2024
{TIME_STAMP}The current time as YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS2024/07/04 19:18:15
{YY}The last two digits of the current year24
{YYYY}The current year as a four digit number2024
{M}The current month as M or MM7
{MM}The current month as MM07
{MMM}The first three characters of the current month nameJul
{MMMM}The full name of the current monthJuly
{D}The current month day as d or dd4
{DD}The current month day as dd04
{DDD}The first three characters of the current week day nameThu
{DDDD}The full name of the current week dayThursday
{TIME_OF_DAY}The current time of day as hh:mm am/pm07:18 PM
{TIME_OF_DAY_SS}The current time of day as hh:mm:ss am/pm07:18:15 PM
{HH:MM:SS}The current time of day as hh:mm:ss (24 hr clock)19:18:15
{HH:MM}The current time of day as hh:mm (24 hr clock)19:18
{HH}The current hour as HH (24 hr clock)19
{NN}The current minute as MM18
{SS}The current second as SS15
{H}The current hour as H or HH (24 hr clock)19
{N}The current minute as M or MM18
{S}The current second as S or SS15

Visitor Related
{USER_NAME}Current usernameGuest
{IP_ADDRESS}IP Address3.147.57.161
{SERVER_NAME}Server Name (if available)
{SERVER_ADDRESS}Server Address170.39.79.160
{SCREEN_RESOLUTION} Screen resolution in pixels 1024x768
{SCREEN_WIDTH} Screen width in pixels 1024
{SCREEN_HEIGHT} Screen height in pixels 768
{SCREEN_DETECTION} Screen resolution detection Default Values Used

Events Calendar
{EVENTS_YEAR}Yearly Events Calendar
January 2024
February 2024
March 2024
April 2024
May 2024
June 2024
July 2024
August 2024
September 2024
October 2024
November 2024
December 2024
{EVENT_DATES}Recent, Current, Coming Events
Calendar of Events
June 2024
July 2024
August 2024

{LANG_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE1}Copyright Notice1 from language definitionSite Content Copyright ©
{LANG_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE2}Copyright Notice2 from language definition All Rights Reserved
{LANG_LOST_PASSWORD}Lost or Forgotten Password?
{LANG_META_AUTHOR}Ujima content management system version 1.01
{LANG_META_DESCRIPTION}Describes the Ujima substitution variables
{LANG_META_KEYWORDS}substitution, variables
{LANG_PAGE_CAPTION}Ujima Substitution Variables
{LANG_PAGE_TITLE}The Roots of My Soul Memorials - Substitution Variables
{LANG_RECOMMEND_SITE}Recommend Site TextRecommend Site

Paths and URLs
{CONTACT_URL}URL at which visitors may contact youmailto:contactmanager@therootsofmysoul.com
{FAVICON_URL}Favicon imagehttps://therootsofmysoul.com/favicon.ico
{HOME_URL}Home pagehttps://www.therootsofmysoul.com/prod/ujima/scripts/memorials.pl
{RECOMMEND_SITE_URL}Recommend Sitehttps://www.therootsofmysoul.com/prod/ujima/scripts/recommend_site.pl
{RETURN_URL}Return Pagehttps://www.therootsofmysoul.com/prod/ujima/scripts/home.pl
{SEARCH_SETUP_URL}Search Setup https://www.therootsofmysoul.com/prod/ujima/scripts/search_setup.pl
{SHOPPING_CART_URL}Shopping Cart https://www.therootsofmysoul.com/prod/ujima/scripts/shopping_cart.pl
{SITE_MAP_URL}Site Map https://www.therootsofmysoul.com/prod/ujima/scripts/site_map.pl
{SLIDE_SHOW_URL}Slide Showhttps://www.therootsofmysoul.com/prod/ujima/scripts/slideshow.pl
{USER_REGISTRATION_URL}User Registrationhttps://www.therootsofmysoul.com/prod/ujima/scripts/user_registration.pl
{HIDE_URL}HIDE LINK URLsonmouseover="window.status=''; return true"
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Script Time: (0.32764 0.004511 0.078168 1)   Queries Executed: 28 56 74 304