Lift Every Voice Memorials
Julianne Elizabeth O'Neal      Memorial#: 100005441               
Date of Birth Thursday Jul. 28, 1960 St. Paul MN 64 Years 1 Month 15 Days ago
Date of Death Tuesday Mar. 31, 2020 4 Years 5 Months 12 Days ago
Life Duration:     59 Years 8 Months 3 Days

Julianne Elizabeth O'Neal

Julianne Elizabeth O'Neal was born Jul. 28, 1960 in St. Paul, MN.

She died Mar. 31, 2020 .
Elmhurst Cemetery
1510 Dale St N
St Paul MN 55117
County: Ramsey
Google   Bing   Mapquest      44.989044,-93.1245487

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